If you want to download the file to listen or overdub:
Internet Explorer: click on the link and it should download into your default music download folder.
Mozilla: Depending on how your options are set, click or alt-click the link.
Mac: Hold down the Option key, then click on the link. The file should download to your default download location.

To post a musical comment: upload your musical response to your website, then post the sound file url in your comment here. If you don't have anywhere to post it, contact me and I'll post it here.
Thanks! I look forward to hearing your musical comments!

First musical blog 
Click here to hear
Here we go folks!

[ 771 comments ] ( 2246 views )   |  permalink
A musical blog 
An idea just ocurred to me, about making this a musical blog, at least in part. What I want to try is posting a simple musical line that I record. Then the idea would be for others to make musical comments by recording and posting a continuation of the line, an overdubbed harmony or counterpoint, or a response like trading fours, or other any kind of musical response or addition. I'll have to figure out how to make that work, either in this blog or somewhere else on the website.
I don't know if anyone else has something like this going somewhere online. I wanted to post the idea here before I researched it, so I can go on record as saying this was an independent idea I had; whether or not someone was doing it before me, I thought of it without having been exposed to it beforehand.
Anyway, I'll look into it and come back with my hands full.

[ 727 comments ] ( 39834 views )   |  permalink

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Welcome to my musical blog! This is a real musical blog with music, not writing about music. What happens here is that I begin a musical conversation by posting something musical--a melody, a riff, a chord progression, a bass line, whatever. Then the idea is for others to make musical comments by recording and posting a continuation of the line, an overdubbed harmony or counterpoint, a response like trading fours, or other any kind of musical response or addition. For those of you who don't play an instrument, please chime in with lyrics or poems or comments, whatever! Anything is welcome!